German A1 Practice (Goethe A1 Exam) App

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IMPORTANT: The app is NOT affiliated or endorsed by the official German A1 efficiency test. Please go to for official practice guides and tools to pass your exam.
This app has five different subjects:
1. Hören — Listening
2. Lesen — Reading
3. Schreiben — Writing
4. Sprechen — Speaking
5. Vokabeln — Vocabulary
Each of these 5 subjects has 9 different categories to choose from. (Each containing 5 Exercises, except for Vokabeln, which contains 25 Words per category)
Throughout the exercises, you will also become familiar with two characters. Alex and Lina communicate with each other, allowing you to see, read and hear more day-to-day interactions in German.
Hören, Lesen & Sprechen are sorted in the following themes throughout:
* Familie — Family
* Nachrichten — News
* Arbeit — Work
* Schule — School
* Freizeit — Hobbies
* Bücher — Books
* Restaurant — Restaurant
* Einkaufen — Shopping
* Weihnachtsmarkt — Christmas market
Schreiben uses the book: Die Verwandlung von Franz Kafka (1917).
After getting 5 correct answers (or practicing all 25 vocabulary words) you can earn crowns to keep track of your progress.
WARNING: Since the app doesn’t use a registration, the crowns ONLY persist on your device. If you delete your app, all of your crowns will disappear. (Same with installing the app on a different device)
If you have any questions, concerns or crashes please contact me at:
Die Verwandlung von Franz Kafka (1917):